Home Visits
HSA Southwest Chicago will organize home visits. Each year a target group will be selected and visited by the school staff. The purpose of the home visit is to demonstrate the school’s commitment to the parents and their children. In promoting a partnership between parents and teachers, home visits provide the means for improving students’ achievement and school performance, observing children in their home environment, and encouraging parent involvement. While providing teaching services for students, a home visit is also a good opportunity for parents to get to know teachers.
The latest National Education Goals (Goals 2000: Educate America Act) encourage schools to increase their efforts to involve parents or guardians in their children’s education. Open communication between responsible, concerned adults in the home and at the school is essential to build this partnership.
A visit packet will be given to the parent being visited that includes information and updates about the school, articles for parents, a book as a gift for the student, and a small, symbolic gift for the family. Schools within the Concept network report that home visits are one of the most effective ways of building a stronger relationship with students and their families. Concept will provide training to our staff on the protocol of home visits. The purpose of home visits and the procedure will be communicated to parents before home visits begin, as they always have the right to refuse a visit.